Why Do We Need a Shelter?
Over ONE MILLION pitbulls are euthanized in shelters nationally, at an unconscionable rate of 2,000-3,000 pitbulls a day. Education around responsible pitbull ownership and rescue efforts, as well as spay/neuter programs, are key components in reducing this number.
Our mission is to promote responsible pitbull ownership, provide breed education, combat pet overpopulation, fight unfair legislation, find qualified homes for sound pitbull-type dogs and other dogs in need in Georgia, and help people and animals within our community.
Do you have questions, want to get involved in building our facility, or would like more information on how you can support FTTF’s Capital Campaign? Reach out to us at [email protected].
December 2022: Phase I Land Clearing Started
July 2022: Phase I Land Clearing Scheduled
May 2022: Phase I Scope Outlined
August 2020: Project Architect Selected
GMC Network selected as architectural firm for FTTF’s capital campaign facility project.
October 2019: Land Purchased
Closed on 46 acre property in Rockmart, Ga (Paulding County).
July 2019: Property Under Contract
Went under contract on property in Paulding County.
Project Specs
- Paulding County – Rockmart, Georgia
- Building: 10,000-12,000 sq ft for first building (Phase 1 of 3)
- Property: 46 acres (for safety zones and expansion)
- Kennel design
- Low maintenance
- Minimize stress: Music; noise level kept at minimum
- Indoor runs: 6’-10’ wide x 10’ long
- Outdoor runs: 6-10’ x 40’ long; half concrete under overhang, half grass; with lighting and heating elements
- Guillotine doors: Open/close easily from source outside of run
- Large ceiling fans in addition to HVAC
- Isolation unit
- 10 runs, completely enclosed; one return system
- Dogs in for 10-14 days after intake to ensure they will not break with illness before being put into the general population
- Water/Sanitation
- Drainage: No cross contamination; each kennel has own drain
- Track overhead spray cleaning system, high pressure
- Commercial laundry room: energy efficient washer and dryer
- Solar power
- Windows: Up high 18”-24” hight; able to partially open for air flow
- Medical Care
- Vet area: 20’ x 30’ with surgical table, sink, storage, x-ray, and blood machine
- Vet on staff: Hired for once a week site visit at the beginning until ultimately hiring full time
- Therapy pool/lap pool design: Underwater treadmill and therapy pool for numerous orthopedic injuries
- Grooming and bathing area
- Play areas
- Indoor Play area: Agility, viewing area for guests
- Outdoor play area: Partially covered, concrete and grass; seating included; used for meet and greets as well
- Office & meeting space
- Event space: Entertaining donors, educational and fundraising purposes
- Glass wall between event space and play area (viewing area)
- Staff: One overnight 7pm to 7 am, two 7am to 7pm
- Apartment: one bedroom with pull-out option; bath with shower, toilet and sink; kitchenette; storage

- Security system: indoor and outdoor, gate at front entrance
- Walking trails around facility
- Memory garden
- Five boarding areas: for FTTF alumni only; to provide additional funding
- Community Organic Garden: to be maintained and run by community, not near facility
- Spay/Neuter clinic: to help fund rescue and offer low-cost vet services; separate building
Purchase a customized brick and help build the foundation of the next phase of rescue for Friends to the Forlorn.
Order Here
GOAL: $5,000,000
TOTAL RAISED: $3,040,000
61% to Goal
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2316
Dallas, Ga 30132
If you have questions about our capital campaign, please contact [email protected].
Friends to the Forlorn Pitbull Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)3 licensed nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
I would like to thank everyone who has helped Friends to the Forlorn Pitbull Rescue, Inc. Whether you pass along an email, donate items or money, foster a dog, adopt, attend an event, visit a dog at the vet, or post a comment letting me know you appreciate what I do, your support has made a difference. – JMF